A note about where we are and where we are going
Dear 6×8 Press Community (that is, writers, readers, collaborators, etc.):
This issue marks the completion of SixByEight Press’ fourth year, and with it the beginning of our fifth. In those four years, we have been humbled and educated by your thoughtful contributions. It is these offerings — your stories and articles and personal essays and poems and artwork — that have prompted us to develop and grow. We have expanded our focus into fiction writing and storytelling, developing an annual all-fiction issue. We have explored performance from as many angles as we have writers, broadening our understanding of such play and its consequences. Furthermore, the creativity and energy of our contributors has encouraged us to brainstorm new issue themes and topics, pushing ourselves, and this press, beyond what we could have imagined.
Amid these developments, we said goodbye to a much beloved editor and welcomed fantastic new faces to our team. We have (and still are) avidly recruited new writers, while continuing to develop phenomenal submissions from some of the same writers featured in our very first issue.
We have metamorphosed, performed tension, asked “what if,” begun again, acted hungry, and engaged in some public displays of expression (to name a few).

We want to share an announcement about SixByEight Press’ future, borne from reflection on sustainability in these especially precipitous times. We have decided that we will make the following changes for our fifth year:
- We will shift from one issue each month to publishing four issues annually. Each issue will remain the same length as previous issues.
- This will elongate the time available for writers to develop their ideas, and allow for greater customization of the writing timeframe. Each piece will have 6 weeks in which the piece can be edited, however this timeframe will not be mandatory. (i.e.: Super busy one month? You and your editor can work together to do your piece on a 3 week timeframe. Eager to explore? You can spread your drafts out to give more time to the writing.)
- This will also give editors time between issues to recoup, brainstorm, and focus fully on engaging with writers in the earliest stages of exploration.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this shift. We are especially eager to hear from writers and to learn how you imagine this might impact your process. As always, reach out any time at
We won’t be gone for long — you’ll be hearing from us soon about submissions for our December issue, which will focus exclusively on Black Lives Matter.
See you soon!